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Behind the Brand: The Journey to Shore Simplicity

Updated: May 15, 2024

Organizing has always been a sense of serenity and relaxation for me. Some people drink, some people eat, and that’s not to say I don’t indulge every once in a while, but for me organizing is what brings me peace.  It’s that sense of control and order that bring calm to me.

I worked in healthcare for 23 years as a physical therapist in the home-care setting, and that means I was consistently in my patients homes. I would work with many patients who were living in their children’s homes, and when you have multiple generations living under one roof, you can imagine the amount of stuff floating around. 

Over the years, healthcare started to burn me out. I’d be working with a patient and Mom couldn’t find a shoe before soccer practice. I would reach for a towel in the linen closet to do an exercise, and the whole closet would fall on me. Life can get challenging, and it is so hard to stay on top of a home when there is so much going on. It was in those moments I would think; life would be so much easier if their house was a little bit more organized. 

Other times, I would be there when it was time for a patient to move to assisted living, and it is left to the families to downsize 40 years worth of stuff, not knowing the first place to begin.

I realized in those moments no real company exists to help with these major life moments. There are companies that offer packing services, professional organizers exist, but there is no one company that helps you unpack, helps you get your house set up, down to the drawers, done right to begin with. 

I knew it was my time to make the shift into a different form of care.

We all just crave a simple life. I had been wanting to start this business for 10 years. I waited for my youngest to start kindergarten and started organizing on the side. After one year of unpacking houses and organizing homes to create a fresh start and serene space, I took the dive into working this business full-time.

In April of 2019 I started out alone. We have nine incredible people on our team (and growing) and are able to expand our services while make unimaginable connections along the way.

Being in healthcare for as long as I was, I felt like I was making a difference. Truthfully, at first, I thought organizing professionally was a little silly and would only be a side-gig for me. After 5 years in the business as my full-time career, I see now that I am still helping people immensely, I’m just doing so in a different capacity. Everything we do is genuinely helping people. 

Name a life sweeter than that. 

Sheba starting Shore Simplicity

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