Meet the Founder & President
Sheba Qureshi-Dougherty
Being organized is not something I learned; I was wired that way. When I was
14 months old in diapers my family recalls how I would arrange the
shoes in the foyer, paired up and in size order. My aunts would joke how I would
leave my cousins playrooms categorized and neater after family get togethers.
Fast forward to my professional career as a home care physical therapist.
Being in the homes of patients from every walk of life opened my eyes to more
needs than just medical. I witnessed what a widespread necessity there is for a
service that could make living environments efficient, alleviate stress and
make home the peaceful solace that everyone deserves.
I launched Shore Simplicity in 2020 after a 24 year career in healthcare. Our
services have expanded along with my team, which is comprised of professionals
who were previously in careers from education to finance to corporate.
We take great pride in the value of our services, we are personally vested in our
clients and we nurture our communities and environments in the way we
conduct business.
Please reach out to find out what Shore Simplicity can do for you.